Good Food Matters
At UChicago dining we believe in good food. Our chefs take time to select great products and create interesting, engaging menus. At the University of Chicago we also believe in building community throughout the city and mid-south side. We do that by purchasing products from local, diverse and women-owned businesses. We partner with Civic Engagement and Business Diversity to build strong relationships with businesses, provide educational opportunities for our staff and hire great people. Good food matters to us and we hope it does to you as well.
UChicago Dining is committed to building strong partnerships with businesses throughout the mid-south side. By choosing to support businesses surrounding the university, we can help catalyze economic growth. In the coming years we hope to purchase as much as 40% of our food purchases from the communities surrounding the University.
Find out more about how the University of Chicago serves as an anchor institution on the south side by visiting Civic Engagement at the University of Chicago.
UChicago Dining’s partnership with Chartwells also includes a focus on supporting diverse and women-owned businesses (M/WBE Program). By partnering with businesses with varying backgrounds we can provide fresh, quality food and help support businesses in our communities.
Find out more about how the University of Chicago supports diverse suppliers by visiting Business Diversity at the University of Chicago.
Some of our local partners:
Chicago Urban Farm Solutions